Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Final presentation didn't go exactly well, my verbal skills are lacking in a major way I think. I did get sleep though so as far as studios go I think it was one of the most successful. As far as the project goes I think that a lot of ground was covered from start to finish and in the end if it was built, I think that it would have been successful for its intentions. Perhaps as a plan it doesn't read as clearly, and perhaps it needed more variations of representation in order to really allow an experiential view. In the end it was all about an experiential journey, something processional, personal, with plenty of paths to travel surrounding the main path. I think in the end it was still hard to separate my idea of a cemetery with the cemeteries of spain. But the experience of this studio was amazing, and I feel I went through more process to get to a more refined project, and allowed the project to just become without holding on too tightly to hardlines, at least at the end. I think a few more weeks of guided study would have resulted in something that perhaps other architects could appreciate as well. The comment of being "able to let go of an idea" does ring true, and hopefully can be worked on with time. Now all that's left to do is properly document all of my work and figure out how to fit it into my portfolio. Definitely has been the best studio, and it felt like freshman year again with the amount of new ideas, and the same kind of wonderment.