Sunday, March 25, 2012

Igualada Cemetery Addition


The mid-review had a lot of constructive criticism, and I was happy I got sleep beforehand as it was a five hour long process. I think the biggest things I took away from the review other than my apparent lack of drawing skills, was that it would be a good idea to work at a larger scale so that I have a better idea of what the actual feel of the project will be, to try minimizing the footprint of the addition in order to create a richer space, and to use similar aspects of the original project such as hide/reveal, single terminus, multiple layers. Kathryn took notes for me so will be reviewing those again shortly. Second mid-review on tuesday. 

Igualada Cemetery Addition

Site visit. 

Trying to think of things to capture my thoughts of the site, but coming up short. Biggest points were that the site felt much smaller and at the same time larger upon seeing it. Things were in greater states of disarray than I imagined, considering the cemetery is in use. The planks in the ground had begun to decompose already in some areas which surprised me while I was walking. Looking at these pictures after the mid-crit has helped re-affirm some of my intentions, as well as help me to understand the site better for mid-crit #2.