Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Igualada Cemetery Addition

Using a portion of the site as a focal point and destination point, I arranged my addition to lead towards the hills surrounding the site. 

Initial concept/plan:
Stratification of layers, held up by retaining walls. Move towards focal point, burial walls branch out from central path.

Conceptual diagram:

Was instructed to try axonometric drawings to better communicate my ideas. 

After drawing it out, I realized that the scale of my idea was much too large for the project, definitely do-able, but not really appropriate to the present cemetery conditions. So I re-drew the initial plan making slight changes on where the burial walls would exist, and where only landscaping would exist. This allows for a continuation if necessary, but for the moment agrees with scale and the assignment at hand of simply doubling the plot numbers, as far as burial goes. 

I attempted another axon to portray this but there are a few things that are unresolved and likely to change. I also saw that some previous ideas could come to light in this scheme, and have to resolve those as well. Mainly ideas from my wire drawing that had been considered previously, but also a paper drawdel, both of these examples pinned up at my desk. 

Hopefully another desk crit this afternoon will help solidify most of the ideas enough to allow me to move forward with production so I can receive more feedback during the mid-review on friday. 

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